On-demand Webinar Series

In Tissue Cryo-ET: 5 experts share their latest advanced techniques and novel insights

Get started with in-tissue cryo-ET and dive deeper into the molecular architectures of multicellular organisms, organoids, and tissue for novel insights with high physiological relevance.


Cryo-ET has enabled ultrastructural details such as protein-protein interaction and sub-organelle morphological details to be studied within cellular systems through focused ion beam (FIB) milling thin lamellae and imaging the lamellae in a cryo-transmission electron microscope (cryo-TEM). Single cells however are not the most physiologically relevant model for human biology. Thanks to recent advances in cryo-FIB technology and correlative workflows, biologists are able to dive deeper into larger, more physiologically relevant biological samples and unveil the sub-organelle ultrastructural details within.

In this exciting on-demand webinar, expert cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) users and developers share us how they perform in-tissue cryo-ET to reveal novel important insights into key cellular processes and human diseases.

Key takeaways 

  • How fluorescence microscopy-guided lamella targeting can help precisely target rare structures in a multicellular organism to unveil key structural details related to gametogenesis.
  • How cryo-ET of brain tissues allows for novel observations of drug response at a sub-organelle level and can potentially lead to better drug targeting in neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Latest advanced serial lift-in and lift-out techniques that dramatically increase the amount of near-atomic level and ultrastructural details one can see in a variety of small organisms and organoids.


Rene Frank
Rene Frank
Associate Professor and UKRI Future Leader Fellow @ University of Leeds

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Dominik Pinkas
Electron Microscopy Specialist @ Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Philipp Sebastian Erdmann
Research Group Leader @ Human Technopole

Oda Schiotz
PhD Student @ Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence, Martinsried

Gong Her Wu
University Academic Staff @ SLAC

Watch this webinar now!